Share in the fun of learning in Upcoming Classes & Workshops!
Thank you for your interest in learning Reiki. Look forward to sharing and learning with you!

Shoden Reiki 1
Sunday: April 13, 27, May 18, & 25
12:30 – 4:30
energy exchange $250.00 (includes a handbook)
Please click here to reserve your spot with a $50.00 deposit by April 1st, 2025
Everyone can learn, share and heal in Shoden Reiki 1. You’ll learn how to focus Reiki’s gentle powerful healing energy to care for yourself, family, and friends. The class size is limited so you’ll receive lots of individual attention and mentoring. Each class includes both discussion and hands on practice to help you embody your authentic Divine Loving Self through Reiki’s healing energy. We’ll explore the history of Reiki, the science of energy healing, receive four Reiki 1 reiju, earn a Reiki 1 certificate, and most importantly learn, practice and share Reiki sessions. Attuning to Reiki is a beautiful transformative experience that connects your innate Divine self to Reiki’s powerful healing energy, enhancing a heart centered compassionate practice for yourself that emanates loving healing energy out into the world. Being attuned to Reiki’s powerful healing energy helps you be: balanced and grounded, clearer and focused, open and compassionate, deeply connected to your Higher Self and the Divine Universe and healthier physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Exploring and learning Reiki over four days allows you to integrate your Reiki reiju, practice during and between classes, complete your 21 day cleanse and have plenty of time for questions! |

Okuden Reiki 2
Sunday: February 9, 23, March 9, & 16, 2025
12:00 – 4:30
energy exchange $375.00. (includes a handbook)
Are you a Reiki Level 1 practitioner looking to continue your deep healing, raise your energy level and deepen your practice through embodying and sharing Reiki’s healing energies with others?
In Okuden Reiki 2 you’ll receive three 2nd degree reiju, learn to use Reiki’s emotional and distant symbols, practice sharing distant Reiki sessions, sense and strengthen biofields, heighten your intuition, increase your knowledge and ability to sense energy, explore basic business practices, read fascinating articles, and have lots of hands on practice and much more! You’ll receive lots of individual attention and mentoring in an intimate class size. Look forward to learning and healing with you!
You’ll also share and document a minimum of four sessions outside of class and have an individual meeting and session with Valerie.
Okuden Reiki 2 please click here to reserve your space with a $50 deposit by February 1st.

Shinpiden Reiki III (Master)
Class meets one Sunday of the month for 5 months for a total of 25 hours.
TBA August – December 2025
12:00 – 5:00
Shinpiden Reiki III please click here to reserve your place with a $180.00 deposit

Earth Healing Dimensional Maps
12:30 – 5:30
Tuition $80.00 includes a workbook
Learn to help heal the Earth! Just like us the Earth’s energies get stuck, blocked and need some assistance to release, restore and balance.
Earth Healing Dimensional Maps use entrainment, the sympathetic resonance between quantum energy fields to clear, heal and balance the land and water through connecting to the Highest Level Earth Healing guides and the Divine Universal energies across time, space and distance. Healing maps are created through a ceremonial process that finds, clears and aids in the healing of all non-beneficial energies.
You’ll learn how:
- to connect and dowse with a pendulum
- use a Google map of your home to find the areas in need of clearing
- set an crystal grid with earth earth healing crystals
“Our planet is a vast, living, breathing, bio-organism far greater than its physical size. It is part of an enormous eco-system that spreads out across space. In ancient times, the Earth was regarded as a divine creation and crystals were its bones, water its blood, the forest its lungs.” Judy Hall
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