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Before I tell you a bit about me I wish to express my deepest gratitude to Curt and Olivia because without these two marvelous people I’d never be on this healing path. Thank you to Olivia Lundberg, Reiki Master Teacher, for her expansive teachings and boundless caring.
A heartfelt special thank you to Curt, my life partner, whose compassion and support as well as a healthy dose of scientific skepticism has kept me reaching for the stars and grounded here on earth. Additional thanks and gratitude to my clients, Frans Stiene, Eckhart Tolle, Kyozan Joshu Roshi, Roshi Joan Halifax, Frank Ostaseski, and all the other teachers in all forms great and small.
My holistic healing practice includes: Reiki sessions for people and our feathered, furry, and scaly friends, Energy Clearings for your home and workplace, and Reiki Classes.
I’ve worked with people of all ages, genders, ethnicities, spiritual beliefs, economic backgrounds and professions and I look forward to working with you, whoever your wonderful self may be!
I’ve been a Reiki practitioner for over ten years and am a registered Reiki Master Teacher through the International Association of Reiki Professionals, the International Reiki Organization and The Reiki Association.
I have a deep love for learning and continue to expand and deepen my practice. Most recently with advanced Reiki training with Frans Stiene at the International House or Reiki, Pamela Miles for medical Reiki, Rollin McCraty at the HearthMath Institute and as a Reiki volunteer with LifeSpark Cancer Resources. One of the most impactful courses was Being a Teacher of Presence with Eckhart Tolle. I am deeply grateful to all these wonderful teachers!
Additionally I’m certified in Karuna Reiki, Earth Healing Dimensional Mapping, Akashic Records Readings, and Healing with Crystals. I’ve helped bees, cats, chickens, dogs, horses, llamas, and parrots heal from injuries, ease distress and transition to their next life.
An integral part of healing is eating. I received a Master Gardener and Building Farmers Certificate from the Colorado State University Extension, but most importantly have been gardening since I was a child in a small town in Pennsylvania. We have a small flock of delightful chickens and hives of busy bees. Working toward the future we’re collaborating with a number of farmers, organizations, and scientists to establish a non-profit to create as many nano farms as possible whether it’s one pot on the porch or in the abandoned lot next door.
As an artist, avid reader of physics, Zen Buddhist and world traveler I received a MFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and a BFA from Carnegie Mellon University. These multifaceted ways of engaging body, mind and spirit deeply inform and expand my healing and farming practice.
As a professor for over 25 years at Arizona State University West, Notre Dame University Louaize, Beirut, Lebanon, the University of Colorado Colorado Springs and as Co-Director for the Bachelor of Innovation I enjoyed helping students find their passion for learning and learned much from them in return. I continue to teach classes on Reiki, Earth Mapping and Urban Farming.
Traveling has taught me about the billions of ways of being in the universe. I’ve had the good fortune to live in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Arizona, Colorado, Beirut, London and traveled to twenty-three countries across Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North, Central and South America. Some of the most delightful travel has been with Curt as part of his goal to visit every county in the United States, all 3,141of them!
Come share your journey, the road is enchanting.